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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tiger again?

Am I the only one tired of hearing about Tiger Woods? Why in the world are people still talking about him cheating on his wife? Come on, seriously - it's just too much now. Haiti just suffered a disaster and we're still entertaining ourselves with old unworthy news about Tiger Woods and his truck load of hoes.

According to the tabloids; Tiger has checked himself into "sex re-hab." Now you all know; only rich spoiled cheaters will claim to be sex addicted. What happened to the rest of the cheating males species? Are they too addicted to sex? Is it going to be the new trend? Well I'll be damned. There will not be enough facilities to house them!

My advice to Tiger: next time you cheat - cheat with a black girl. Is there going to be a next time? Of course there'll be. After all he's a wealthy black man and hoes are attracted to that. Oh I forgot he doesn't consider himself to be black, he's "Caublinasian" (Caucasian+Black+Indian+Asian). Well whatever he is, next time he needs to cheat with a black girl, because there is no way in hell - if all her bills are getting paid and he's taking care of 'Pookie and dem' - she's going to let out his secret. And we wouldn't be hearing about this mess right now.

Well bye y'all, Pookie is calling me and dem is outside waiting on me. !Peace!


6ft 3in Yardi said...

Girlfriend, this is the place for you...Spill It,Thrill It, Rip It and Denounce It!!! Watch out Perez Hilton..Its a WRAP!!

Anonymous said...

Say what you wanna say girl...i love it...

Terine said...

do you knon what i'm thinking?

Terine said...


Terine said...

i wanna go wher the sun shine's thru the rain...J.a.m.a.i.c.a(jamaica)...

Anonymous said...

That's some real shit on Tiger , he actually called himself (hope I get this right) CABLANASIAN. Whatever the fuchk that means..good shit my cuz!

Roger D

Anonymous said...

Tiger needs to find him some new hoes...that hoes,that need to keep there legs open and there mouth shut....

Bella said...

I see you going places keeping it real while making it funny is a good recipe for success.

Mrs. Rose said...

Thanks for coming by and reading my posts guys. I appreciate it. make sure y'all keep coming by to see what my twisted mind keeps coming up with. I promise you it will be entertaining.

Bella, ma dear - I remember our Hi-5 days where you, marsharine and Tomica would tell me to keep writing. Well, this little blog may not be much, but it's a start, so thanks for the encouragement.

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