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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Politicians and Their Affairs

Affairs in politics is almost like a trend or a fashion statement. Everybody wants to be in style, yet no one seems to wear it well. They always seems to get caught or those females involved always uses it to get some kind of media attention.

Presidents, governors, mayors; whatever the title, they never seem to want to stay clear of these kind of scandals. It's almost like everyone is trying to out do the next person. The list of politicians that have had affairs is endless. I am not a know-it-all, so I can only mention those I am aware of or can remember.

Thomas Jefferson - Sally Hemings (A black slave). Even Thomas knew about the "blacker the berry the sweeter the juice."

John F. Kennedy - Judy Campbell, Marilyn Monroe, and a whole lot more. He was a gigolo back then.

Bill Clinton - Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinski. Now, I love me some Bill Clinton, but seriously, his "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" was just as lame as his "I tried marijuana once, but did not inhale." As soon as those words came out of his mouth I knew he was lying.

Newt Gingrich - He had an affair on his ex-wife with his present wife! Now who says some of these illicit affairs can't turn into love stories?

James McGreevey - Golan Cipel (His boy toy) Oh two snaps in a z formation.

Rudy Giuliani - Judith Nathan. Oh everytime I see these two, I feel like yawning. They just look like a flipping boring couple! Ugh - I'm yawning right now just by mentioning their names.

Eliot spitzer - Ashley Alexander Dupre (His call girl, his prostitute or to be politically correct; his working girl)

John Edwards - Rielle Hunter (His baby mama)

Oh and I almost forgot! George Bush and Condoleezza Rice. I bet you all didn't know about that one. Of course not. After all Condoleezza is a 'sista" and "sistas" don't kiss and tell. Of all the stupid things George Bush may have said or done, he was actually smarter than most, if not all of those other politicians. He kept Condoleezza happy, ugly and all to himself. Ok, maybe this one is not true, but then again - how'd we know?

Last, but surely not least; Barack Obama and Lisia Rose! Ok Ok, it didn't happened yet, but I have my dreams damn it! Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and it did come true right? So what makes y'all think it is impossible for my dreams to come true?

Seriously though - I don't know what it is with these politicians and these affairs. It's almost as if they catch the cheating bug as they get into office. This recent update about John Edwards fathering a child outside of his marriage bothered me the most, because not only do Elizabeth have to deal with her life threatening illness, but she has to deal with his insensitive behind. Ugh, such a loser! I'm just hoping that the cheating bug does not invade Barack's space. He has too much on his plate to deal with such craziness - well unless the bug is going to lead him my way that is. But then again, he would have nothing to worry about, because like I said before. A "sista" never kiss and tell.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tiger again?

Am I the only one tired of hearing about Tiger Woods? Why in the world are people still talking about him cheating on his wife? Come on, seriously - it's just too much now. Haiti just suffered a disaster and we're still entertaining ourselves with old unworthy news about Tiger Woods and his truck load of hoes.

According to the tabloids; Tiger has checked himself into "sex re-hab." Now you all know; only rich spoiled cheaters will claim to be sex addicted. What happened to the rest of the cheating males species? Are they too addicted to sex? Is it going to be the new trend? Well I'll be damned. There will not be enough facilities to house them!

My advice to Tiger: next time you cheat - cheat with a black girl. Is there going to be a next time? Of course there'll be. After all he's a wealthy black man and hoes are attracted to that. Oh I forgot he doesn't consider himself to be black, he's "Caublinasian" (Caucasian+Black+Indian+Asian). Well whatever he is, next time he needs to cheat with a black girl, because there is no way in hell - if all her bills are getting paid and he's taking care of 'Pookie and dem' - she's going to let out his secret. And we wouldn't be hearing about this mess right now.

Well bye y'all, Pookie is calling me and dem is outside waiting on me. !Peace!

Filipino prisoners dancing to Michael Jackson's songs

This is really cute! R.I.P. Michael Jackson.

I had dreams of being in a Michael Jackson video. I didn't know I had to move to the Filipines, commit a crime and get thrown in jail to be considered for the part. Why didn't somebody tell me?